I am interested in how the brain controls behavior. Many scientists approach this very large question by starting with perception and asking how the brain builds an internal representation of the world, and how it then uses this representation to guide action. In contrast, I study behavior by starting with a concrete task such as a voluntary movement and asking what parameters of the task the brain must specify and control, and what information from the environment it may employ toward that specification. The goal here is an understanding of brain mechanisms for mediating interaction with the world, not necessarily of mechanisms for representing the world. A research program based on such an approach begins with questions concerning motor control and gradually works its way toward the perceptual systems which guide that control. One could say I'm going backwards through the brain...
Here is my Curriculum Vitae and Google scholar profile.
Some talks available online:
- On recent work in the lab: “The neural mechanisms of real-time decisions”
- On brain evolution: “Carving up the brain at its phylogenetic joints”
- Interview on the “Brain Inspired” podcast: [Episode 66: Forward through evolution] [Episode 67: Backward through the brain]
- Congratulations to Ayuno for successfully defending her PhD Thesis!!! I’m biased of course, but many in the audience said that it was among the best defenses they’ve seen.
- Good news: The CFI application for large-scale neural recording and behavioral studies in virtual reality environments has been funded for ~$700k.
- On that note… we’re recruiting. Multiple positions are available at the postdoctoral, doctoral, and master’s level, in my lab and in collaborative projects with Andrea Green. Click here and here for more information.
- Congratulations to Tyler for receiving the prestigious UNIQUE-IVADO postdoctoral fellowship!
- Congratulations to Poune for obtaining the UNIQUE excellence scholarship!
- The NSERC grant has been renewed until 2027.
1973, Dobzhansky famously said that “Nothing in biology makes sense except in
the light of evolution”. I agree. For that reason, I’ve recently started
devoting part of my time to reading about the evolutionary history of the
nervous system, and writing a book about all the things I’ve learned. I’m doing
this chronologically – that is, I read about early multicellular animals first,
then about early chordates, vertebrates, etc. gradually working my way along
the lineage that leads to humans. I believe this has given me a broader
perspective on the brain and behavior, and on everything I do in the lab,
because it has exposed me to some amazing work by people we don’t normally hear
about in systems neuroscience circles. The book will take a long time to
finish, but I summarized some of the key points in a paper published in 2019.
That paper makes a very provocative proposal: that we should abandon many of
the familiar concepts inherited from the history of psychology and instead
resynthesize our conceptual taxonomy according to the history of evolution. A
second paper, with some colleagues, applies this approach to theories of
attention, and a third (in a special issue
on the topic) describes in more detail the specific advances made along the
lineage that produced primates like us.
Cisek, P. (2019) “Resynthesizing behavior through phylogenetic refinement” Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics. 81(7): 2265-2287. [PDF]
Hommel, B., Chapman, C., Cisek, P., Neyedli, H., Song, J-H., and Welsh, T. (2019) “No one knows what attention is” Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics. 81(7): 2288-2303. [PDF]
Cisek, P. (2022) “Evolution of behavioural control from chordates to primates” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 377(1844): 20200522. [PDF]
Classical theories in psychology suggest that
behavior consists of serial processes
of computing representations of the world from sensory information, using those
representations to build knowledge and make decisions, and then finally
executing motor actions that implement those decisions.
However, these classic concepts are difficult to reconcile with the growing
body of neurophysiological data on decision processes distributed throughout
the sensorimotor system. Instead, we and others have proposed that the basic
functional architecture of behavior is parallel
– and that the brain is continuously using sensory information to specify
potential actions available in the world (“affordances”) while at the same time
collecting cues for selecting which one is most appropriate at a given moment.
This very general hypothesis makes a number of specific predictions, which we
are testing through behavioral, neurophysiological, and computational projects.
Pezzulo, G. and Cisek, P. (2016) “Navigating the affordance landscape: Feedback control as a process model of behavior and cognition”. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 20(6): 414-424. [PDF]
Cisek, P. and Kalaska, J.F. (2010) “Neural mechanisms for interacting with a world full of action choices”. Annual Review of Neuroscience. 33: 269-298. [PDF]
Cisek, P. (2007) “Cortical mechanisms of action selection: The affordance competition hypothesis” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 362: 1585-1599. [PDF] [suppl]
Cisek, P. (2006) “Integrated neural processes for defining potential actions and deciding between them: A computational model”. Journal of Neuroscience. 26(38): 9761-9770. [PDF] [suppl]
Cisek, P. (1999) “Beyond the computer metaphor: Behaviour as interaction”. Journal of Consciousness Studies. 6(11-12): 125-142. [PDF]
The affordance competition hypothesis suggests that the
brain can represent multiple potential actions in parallel within the same
regions involved in executing those actions during overt behavior, and these
parallel representations compete against each other during decision-making.
This competition is influenced by a variety of biases, such as reward value and
effort, and unfolds within a “sensorimotor map” that reflects the geometry of
the immediate
Our work with former student Alexandre Pastor-Bernier confirmed two key
predictions: 1) that reward values influence activity in premotor cortex, but
only when there is a choice to be made; and 2) that the competition between two
very different actions is stronger than a competition between similar actions.
In our newest project, led by doctoral student Ayu no Nakahashi, we are testing whether decisions are made by a
“central executive” or through a “distributed consensus” across the cortical
network. This involves simultaneous neural recordings in the premotor and
parietal cortex, using two semi-chronically implanted microdrives
each with 32-96 independently moveable electrodes.
Cisek, P. (2012) “Making decisions through a distributed consensus”. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 22(6): 927-936. [PDF]
Pastor-Bernier, A., Tremblay, E., and Cisek, P. (2012) “Dorsal premotor cortex is involved in switching motor plans”. Frontiers in Neuroengineering. 5(5). doi: 10.3389/fneng.2012.00005. [PDF]
Pastor-Bernier, A. and Cisek, P. (2011) “Neural correlates of biased competition in premotor cortex”. Journal of Neuroscience. 31(19): 7083-7088. [PDF] [suppl]
Cisek, P. & Kalaska, J.F. (2005) “Neural correlates of reaching decisions in dorsal premotor cortex: specification of multiple direction choices and final selection of action”. Neuron. 45(5): 801-814. [PDF]
deal with a constantly changing world, the brain must quickly process sensory
information and make a variety of trade-offs between the speed of a decision
and its accuracy. Within the context of affordance competition, we hypothesize
that the process of deliberating between different action options takes places
through a competition occurring within the sensorimotor system (premotor and
primary motor cortex), combining three sources of information: Spatial
information about potential actions (from visual and parietal cortex); evidence
in favor of one action versus another (from prefrontal cortex); and a growing
signal related to the urge to make a movement (from the basal ganglia). When
the competition within these sensorimotor regions is resolved, the brain
commits to a choice and releases the selected movement. Former postdoc David
Thura tested predictions of this hypothesis through behavioral studies with
humans, as well as neural recordings in premotor, motor and prefrontal cortex
as well as the basal ganglia. New postdoc Tyler Peel is looking at how this
process changes as monkeys are still learning the decision-making task.
Thura, D., Cabana, J-F., Féghaly, A., and Cisek, P. (2022) “Integrated neural dynamics of sensorimotor decisions and actions” PLoS Biology. 20(12): e3001861. [PDF]
Thura, D. and Cisek, P. (2020) “Microstimulation of dorsal premotor and primary motor cortex delays the volitional commitment to an action choice” Journal of Neurophysiology. 123(3): 927-935.
Carland, M., Thura, D., and Cisek, P. (2019) “The urge to decide and act: Implications for brain function and dysfunction” The Neuroscientist. 25(5): 491-511. [PDF]
Thura, D., Guberman, G., and Cisek, P. (2017) “Trial-to-trial adjustments of speed-accuracy trade-offs in premotor and primary motor cortex” Journal of Neurophysiology. 117(2): 665-683. [PDF]
Thura, D. and Cisek, P. (2017) “The basal ganglia do not select reach targets but control the urgency of commitment”. Neuron. 95(5): 1160-1170. [PDF][suppl]
Carland M., Marcos, E., Thura, D., and Cisek, P. (2016) “Evidence against perfect integration of sensory information during perceptual decision-making” Journal of Neurophysiology. 115(2): 915-930. [PDF]
Thura, D. and Cisek, P. (2014) “Deliberation and commitment in the premotor and primary motor cortex during dynamic decision-making” Neuron. 81(6): 1401-1416. [PDF][suppl]
Thura, D., Beauregard-Racine, J., Fradet, C-W., and Cisek, P. (2012) “Decision-making by urgency-gating: Theory and experimental support” Journal of Neurophysiology. 108(11): 2912-30. [PDF]
Cisek, P., Puskas, G.A., and El-Murr, S. (2009) “Decisions in changing conditions: The urgency-gating model”. Journal of Neuroscience. 29(37): 11560-11571. [PDF]
playing a sport, we are faced with a myriad of decisions between different
possible actions, and the best choice depends not only on potential outcomes
but also on the effort associated with each action. This project tests how
human subjects take the biomechanical costs of making different movements into
account when selecting between actions. It uses behavioral methods,
transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to probe the evolving decision in the
human motor cortex, and (in collaboration with Andrea Green) galvanic
vestibular stimulation to test the influence of one’s body motion on their
action choices. Most recently, we’ve started looking at how decisions are made during
ongoing actions, and found that this challenges some of our assumptions…
Michalski, J., Green, A.M., Cisek, P. (2020) “Reaching decisions during ongoing actions” Journal of Neurophysiology. 123(3): 1090-1102. [PDF]
Marie-Claude Labonté: Laboratory technician
Matthew Carland: Doctoral student
Matthew’s doctoral project studies the relationship between urgency (as quantified in our simple decision tasks) and psychological traits of impulsivity in humans.
Ayuno Nakahashi: Doctoral student (defended PhD on May 18, 2023)
Ayuno is leading our new simultaneous neural recordings in premotor and parietal cortex, testing for the existence or absence of a central executive in the primate brain.
Simon Haché: Master’s student (Primary supervisor: Andrea Green)
Simon is investigating how we select movements around obstacles and how those choices are influenced by our own self motion.
Tyler Peel: Postdoctoral fellow
Tyler is following up on our studies of the urgency-gating model, with simultaneous multielectrode recording in the prefrontal, premotor, and motor cortex, as well as the basal ganglia – even while monkeys are still learning the task.
Cesar Canaveral: Doctoral student (Co-supervisor: Andrea Green)
Cesar is following up on our studies of decisions during actions, introducing new task paradigms and additional approaches such as mechanical perturbations (using the KINARM) and transcranial magnetic stimulation.
Poune Mirzazadeh: Master’s student
Poune’s project focuses on developing computational models that capture our recent experiments in monkeys, simulating data on both behavioral and neural levels.
Alexandre Pastor-Bernier: PhD student 2007-2012, now postdoctoral fellow at McGill
Thomas Michelet: Postdoctoral fellow 2006-2008, now Team Leader at the Université de Bordeaux 2
Jean-Philippe Thivierge: Postdoctoral fellow 2006-2007, now an associate professor at the University of Ottawa
Valeriya Gritsenko: Research scientist 2008-2010, now associate professor at the University of West Virginia
Ignasi Cos: Postdoctoral fellow 2008-2012, now assistant professor at the University of Barcelona
David Thura: Postdoctoral fellow 2008-2018, now Group Leader at the Lyon Neuroscience Research Center
Tim Meehan: Postdoctoral fellow 2016-2018, now data scientist in New York City
Julien Michalski: Master’s student 2016-2020, now working in industry
Thomas Lusignan: Master’s student 2018-2021, now studying computer science
Geneviève Aude Puskas: Undergraduate
intern 2006
Elisabeth Rounis: Visiting
graduate student from London 2006
Stephany El-Murr: Undergraduate intern 2007
Nicolas Bélanger:
Undergraduate intern 2009
Julie Beauregard-Racine:
Undergraduate intern 2009
Farid Medleg:
Visiting undergraduate intern (McGill) 2010
Charles-William Fradet: Undergraduate intern 2010
Elsa Tremblay:
Undergraduate intern 2011
Jessica Trung:
Undergraduate intern 2013
Jean-François Cabana:
Undergraduate intern 2014
Albert Feghaly:
Undergraduate intern 2015
Guido Guberman: Visiting
undergraduate intern (McGill) 2015
Philippe Canstonguay: Undergraduate intern 2016
Pierre-Éric Cazeau:
Undergraduate intern 2017
Thomas Lusignan:
Undergraduate intern 2018
Jia Dong Wang:
Undergraduate intern 2018
Sandra Ferland: Undergraduate
intern 2019
Léo Demange-Hamel:
Undergraduate intern 2021
Ikrame Housni:
Undergraduate intern 2021
William Lata: Undergraduate research intern, summer 2022
Tianhui Deng: Undergraduate research intern (McGill), summer 2022
This page is permanently under construction. Last update was on May 22, 2023.